

Glossary of Terms

Base Rental Fee
The standard rental fee for a list (on a flat or per thousand name basis), excluding select charges, run charges, and delivery fees.

Blast Date
The date when an e-mail list must be transmitted for a direct marketing initiative.

Cheshire Labels
Labels on a computer-generated sheet list that has rows of names and addresses, with no gum or perforation.

The authorization of a request for advance approval, typically to order a list for a specific offer and mail date.

Compiled List
A list that is sourced from public records, telcom records, the internet, industrial directories, association membership rosters, surveys, questionnaires, and other sources.

Count Request
A request to determine the number of names on a list that meets specific criteria.

CPA means “Cost per Action” and applies to email blast transactions. It is a fee that is assessed by a site owner or their agent when a prospect takes action in response to an offer on the web.

CPM means “Cost Per Thousand,” referring to M as the Roman Numeral for one thousand. Most marketing leads lists are rented for one-time use on a “Cost Per Thousand” (CPM) basis.

Electronic Transfer
The transfer of data electronically, via e-mail or File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a high-security transfer process for large files, that requires password level access to a special area on the recipient’s web site.

List Broker
A non-exclusive sales agent who represents all parties in the transaction, including the mailer and the list owner / broker / manager.

List Enhancement
The process of appending or adding data to a marketing leads list.

List Manager
A person whose role is to promote their managed list properties to list brokers and any others who facilitate list rentals and exchanges. Most list managers have exclusive relationships with their list owners.

List Owner
A person who has legal ownership of a unique and proprietary list.

List Owner Approval
Advance approval of the mailer, offer, and mail date before the owner will rent or exchange their “customer” or “inquirer” names with third parties. Most list owners require advance approval.

List Rental Agreement
A legally binding contract that defines and restricts the use of a specified marketing list.

A process that combines diverse lists into a single merged mail file with no duplications.

Minimum Order
Sirlists’s minimum order is defined as a purchase of $550, regardless of the product or service.

Multiple Use
The re-use of a list for multiple campaigns at a discounted rate, through a special agreement.

Net Names
A pricing arrangement that allows the mailer to avoid paying for the full number (gross) names delivered. Net Names includes an allowance for names that are duplicates to other external files.

Net Net
A pricing arrangement that allows the mailer to only for the names that are mailed, instead of the total number of names delivered before merge-purge.

One-Time Use
A rental or license agreement for a list that limits the use of the list to one time, for a specific mailer on a given offer. 

Payment Terms
In marketing leads business, it is standard practice to set terms for payment within 30 days of the mail date. If other payment terms are desired, those must be made in advance and approved by the list owner or manager.

In the marketing leads business, it is standard practice for new customers and mailers who have not yet tested a particular list to pre-pay on their first order. Additional orders after that will be handled according to standard industry payment terms.

Additional use of a list for a second time.

Response List
A list that is sourced from those who have responded to various offers. A response list includes buyers, those who have made inquiries for information and others who have expressed interest in a particular company, product, or service.

Run Charges
Charges that are applied to the names that are not used, once a merge-purge has been performed on a list.

Sample Mailing Piece
A representative sample or a copy of the actual mailing package or piece that will be sent to the leads on a particular list.

SAN Number
If you represent a for-profit company, you must register with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and obtain a SAN number before you may contact others via phone using outside marketing lists. A SAN number is required by Datrik to order any lists with telephone numbers.

It is standard industry practice for list owners to require a sample telemarketing script of what will be represented in the offer in an outbound telemarketing campaign.

Select Charges
Any additional charges associated with the rental of a list, that are not included in the base rental fee.

Send Date
The actual date when an e-mail message is sent or transmitted.

Service Bureau
A service company that houses and maintains lists for direct marketers. Service Bureaus are also called Computer Houses.

A specific, statistically significant quantity of names from a list to be sent an offer, so that the responses can be documented. The test will help determine whether the response from the list to the offer is acceptable to the marketer.

Total Universe
The total number of available names on a marketing list.

Turnaround Time
The time required to process and deliver an order for a product or service.

Unlimited Usage
An agreement to rent or license a marketing list for an unlimited number of uses during a specific period of time. The industry standard timeframe for unlimited usage is one year.

A report that includes the names of the mailers who have used the list in the past, are currently using the list for an offer and those who have tested the list.